Meet Our Team.


Mike Fazal, Sales Representative

Raised in the vibrant city of Richmond Hill and the cosmopolitan landscape of Dubai, my passion for Real Estate has been ingrained since my formative years. I embarked on a journey alongside seasoned investors in the Middle East, and my immersion in the Canadian real estate investment sector began early, laying the groundwork for my future endeavours. The realms of Purchasing, Selling, and Leasing have become second nature to me in the dynamic world of Real Estate.

As one of the industry's youngest agents, my unique perspective is complemented by a diverse background. Drawing on my work experience in various interior design establishments, facilitating customer service, and pursuing a degree in psychology at York University in Toronto, I bring a well-rounded skill set to the table. Furthermore, being mentored by top Real Estate investors both in the Middle East and the West has provided invaluable insights, shaping my trajectory towards becoming a licensed Real Estate agent.

My journey has been marked by continuous growth and a expanding portfolio. From meticulously listing homes with my own staging criteria to securing above-asking prices for my selling clients, and adeptly negotiating favorable deals for buyers by discerning and navigating diverse property circumstances, my skills and education have proven to be instrumental in making a significant impact in the competitive Real Estate market.